What if? You Could Get In On  The $210 Million Dollar #journal #notebook Craze? 

Did you know that 
2 Million Instagrammers mentioned
#Journals...with women making 2/3s of the purchase?
Hot market? You betcha!

Did you know that the word "journals" is searched for 5 MILLION times in Pinterest? Discover how to to "tap" into that with your own Print on Demand Journals!


No Content Notebook/Journal Crazy Etsy Trend Video Course

Brought to you by: Kristie Chiles - 
lover of #notebooks #journals

The term "bullet journal" is a trademarked term so avoid using it in your Etsy Shop Titles, Descriptions and Tags.

WAIT! You don't want to learn photomabob (UGH, me either!!!), You DON'T want to try to figure out another minute what is selling on Etsy, and don't want to CONTACT a gazillion Etsy Shop owners to find if you can use THEIR images with or without buying an expensive license PER images?

Heck, NO!

You just want to know how to make a quick cover for your NO CONTENT Notebooks and Journals with FREE Graphics using Picmonkey?

And, You just want to know where you can purchase gorgeous inexpensive IMAGES for crying out loud?

Then, THIS is PERFECT for you! 

So, here's your Easy-Peazy Plan of Attack:

1 - Download the Images
2 - Upload Your Image or use the Website's Free Images, and Create A No Content Journal Planner (with no words, just lined paper) or Notebook in 5 Minutes or Less.
3 - NEW Biz Plan for you: 100 NEW Notebooks/Journals in your Etsy Shop before the NEXT Major Holiday rolls around.

Remember: You don't TOUCH any of this physically! This is ALL done online! You just upload a picture of what the product WILL LOOK LIKE, and the company does all of the creating the product and shipping the product.

Be READY when the buying FRENZY of the Next MAJOR holiday rolls around with YOUR Etsy Shop PACKED with No Content Notebook & Journal Designs of every shape, color and passion...that gets your visitors crying...Oh MAMA! I Want That!!! and that....and that...
Here's are some cute examples from my Etsy Shop:

The price rises each time someone purchases. 


Q: Is there ANY limit as to how many NO CONTENT Notebooks, or Journals I can create? 

A: No!

Q: How much does it cost to make these?  

A:  You will see how to purchase inexpensive images on graphic websites that are absolutely GORGEOUS!

 (I'll show you where to find these - some are only $1).

Then, you'll only pay $.20 to list it on Etsy (20 Cents!)

Q: How many of these can I list on Etsy a day? 

A: As many as you can! I would suggest you do at least 5 a night, and by the end of 30 days, you will have 150 Notebooks/Journals for Sale! Yippee!

This Christmas Planner sold 2 days after I listed it...woo-hoo!


Hi, Kristie,  
Barbara F. of Sunrise Studio NC on Etsy. I just wanted to Thank You for teaching me about Print on Demand. Your Print on Demand course (Print Bubble) has not only given me success it gives a way to be creative. If anyone is hesitant about purchasing your Print on Demand course, they shouldn't be, it is well worth it. Kristie, you have a "gift" for teaching and explaining so it is easy to understand and follow.         
Thanks again, 
(Update: 62 Sales so far for Barbara) 
Disclosure: None of these programs are a get rich program, nor do I believe in overnight success. I have worked for 11 years to get the results you see on these pages. I believe in hard work, integrity and developing your own skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, I can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results, or earn money with any of my products, or any product or service I recommend as an affiliate. The average person who buys any "how-to" product or course gets little to no results at all because they don't understand it, don't do the work, or any other unknown variables. Any references or examples used on any page you see represented here, or by text testimonial or video are used strictly for example purposes only. Your personal results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your personal background, your experience and your own work ethic. All business entails risk and massive consistent effort and guided action. If you are not willing to accept these terms, please do not purchase any products from this page. 
completely updated for 2024
Brand New training REVEALED:
Tired of struggling to figure out how to create NO CONTENT Journals and Notebooks to sell on Etsy?

Tired of making stuff that doesn't sell, and no one even knows about, but your Mom and maybe your Aunt Sarah?

Tired of making that thing late at night, having to hurry and package it up, and leave early in the morning to try to mail it before you get to work?

Well, this is your answer...

#relief -  I Want To Be Able To Sit Down and 15 Minutes Later Have A Gorgeous Notebook or Journal (with NO CONTENT (just lines), but with an amazing cover) before everybody else in the world figures this out.

AND...I want to get my first 100 Journals/Notebooks on Etsy Before the NEXT Major Holiday rolls around...because I'm smart that way!! 
You'll Get Over-the-Shoulder Video Training To Discover How To Make These Lip-Smacking Designs in 5 Minutes or Less!

What You Will Get: Over-The-Shoulder Videos Showing You:

{NEW!} You'll get a link to a FREE Trial Software that shows you the HOTTEST Sellers on Etsy so you will know EXACTLY what to promote! This will put you light years ahead!!!

➡ Look, I'm BUSY living life...and I know this would be GREAT for my Etsy, or Shopify store! 

I don't really have to even think about it!  Let's see now. What do I do? Get this.

Upload and List. 
Upload and List. 
Upload and List.

Yippee!! Yep! Yep! I can do THAT!  I'd Just Love to HAVE 100 Gorgeous Notebooks & Journal Planners for sell before the rest of the world finds out about this!!!  I'm IN! Where do I get these?

Note: The prices rises each time someone purchases. 


BONUS:  200 Keyword List

Plus, if you'll also get A FREE LIST of 200 Keywords that people are typing into Google right now to find #notebooks!

That's $50 OFF! So hurry..before the timer runs out on this Coupon!
Then, the price is subject to DOUBLE.

Note: The price rises each time someone purchases. 



"Hey Kristie,
Love your information. I did buy your Journals to Etsy course and now have 60 journals up! And I made $105 dollar profits the next day!!!"

Thank you, - Patricia L.


Hi Kristie!!

I just had to SHARE!!  I took your course "How To Create A No Content Journal in 15 Minutes To Sell On Etsy" (I believe that was the first course of yours I signed up for).

I FINALLY GOT A SALE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!! I happened to wake up and saw the message!!!  

I don't have a lot of journals out there but I am MOTIVATED to at least get 30 more done!!  I am hoping for many more!!

IT REALLY WORKS!!  And, that's with NO pinning or anything!

Thanks so much for your training, I'm soo glad I "found" you!! 



Hi Kristie!!!

I wanted to let you know that I had my SECOND JOURNAL SALE!!  YEAH!! I've got to get back to adding additional journals.  I only have about 10 or twelve listed!  I can't believe it.  Both have been XXX designs!!

SOO much to learn!!  I need more TIME!!  :-)

Thanks so much!!


That's $50 OFF! So hurry...the price rises each time someone purchases.

Thank you, Kristie. I have finished the course, and I think it is the best course I've ever taken! 


The price rises each time someone purchases. 

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By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes, you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

*Please Note:  The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. as with any business endeavor, there there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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Our privacy policy is simple: we will never share or sell your personal information to any third parties. Your email address and other personal information will only be used to communicate with you about your purchase and to provide updates on the product. We take your privacy seriously and will do everything in our power to protect it.

What if? You Could Get In On The $210 Million Dollar #journal #notebook Craze? 

Did you know that 
2 Million Instagrammers mentioned
#Journals...with women making 2/3s of the purchase?
Hot market? You betcha!

Did you know that the word "journals" is searched for 5 MILLION times in Pinterest? Discover how to to "tap" into that with your own Print on Demand Journals!

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