What if you could get your MONEY links (your products, their products, or Clickbank digital products) in front of hundreds or potentially thousands of people every week withOUT showing your face, or using your voice? And it can be done within minutes with a free tool?


Then, you'll love this!

A brand new Step-By-Step watch over my shoulder 
 where you can see how to use a free software to 
create clickable videos to ANYTHING (your money links, specifically).

Again, imagine getting  your printables, or your affiliate links to other people's products from Clickbank or anywhere online, in front of hundreds and potentially thousands of people?

Would that be something worth looking into?

You betcha!

And what if you didn't have ANY desire to show your face or have someone hear you talking on camera?

Would that be something worth spending time on?

You betcha!

And what if you didn't have to pay anything to do all of this because you had all free tools?

Would that be worth looking into?

You betcha!

Then, stick around because you are about to see the EASIEST way to market that shortcuts your way to being able to
FINALLY have a marketing engine chug along for you 24/7 while you sleep!

What is the "engine"?


And you will discover a fresh and NEW way to quickly upload videos like this one that won't cost you a dime!

Does this sound like you? 

I'm scared 
I'm too nervous 
I could never make a video 
Not in a million years
That's a no for me
Are you kidding me?

but, Kristie!

 I don't want to show my face, or talk on camera either, for goodness sakes?

Well, the good news is...

you don't have to!

What if you could take a "pattern" or a template and fill it in with YOUR sales copy?

or the words you wish to persuade someone to buy your product or someone else's?

What if you KNEW what to say?

What if you KNEW what to talk about if you want to start a Youtube channel about a certain topic?

What if you KNEW what people are already searching for in Google and Youtube?

And you could start a brand new Youtube channel without showing your face, or hearing your voice, and without your friends and family ever knowing?

Unless you want to tell them of course, haha.

It's possible.

It's doable.

You can start tonight.

In 15 minutes you could have your first video uploaded and getting views.

It's as simple as that.

Or, is this you?

You have the what to sell...

But you don’t know how to get people to see your money links for potential sales?

And you don’t have a ton of energy or time to figure it out because your life is flying by faster than it's time to go to bed again… 

You need help and you need it fast!

You've done all the things but are still stuck in the same place you were last year!

I'm here to help.

 Here is A BRAND NEW Video Series to get you OVER the fence to finally having your own online marketing machine...just released July 16, 2024.

I will show you the simple steps to get your MONEY LINKS where people hang out...

Your family and friends won't even know it's you (unless you tell them).

Because it will be



 You will have videos made from 2 templates that can be repurposed over an over to make 100s of videos... that will be clickable and a way to get your money links out to the masses of people who hang out online...


Yes, Girl!
Yes, Guy!

This is your opportunity!

This is what you've been waiting for!

You even get the first 2 videos done-for-you!

You just change a few words and claim as it your own.

But you'll see inside.

Don't overthink it.

Just get your first video up by tonight.

Pop your affiliate link, your Clickbank link, or a link to a printable to sell under the video and 

Go to sleep knowing that people will find your video...

Once you feel comfortable doing this, you can make a new video in 15 minutes a day.

Just Youtube IT.

You need 2 things to create your own online business:

#1 - An audience that is attracted to you like bees to honey 🐝 = Pinterest

#2 - Something people are already looking to BUY💰 and I will show you the "honey."

Brought to you by: Kristie Chiles - 
lover of #YOUTUBE &  #affiliatemarketing
Now, you are about to begin on the same journey I did back in 2013. 
I am so thankful I did

My biggest mistake in the beginning?  Playing too small.

 But now you can learn from my road of sweat and tears, and maximize your efforts by applying these KEY TIPS to your Pinning strategy.
Disclosure: None of these programs are a get rich program, nor do I believe in overnight success. I have worked for 11 years to get the results you see on these pages. I believe in hard work, integrity and developing your own skills if you want to earn more financially. As stipulated by law, I can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results, or earn money with any of my products, or any product or service I recommend as an affiliate. The average person who buys any "how-to" product or course gets little to no results at all because they don't understand it, don't do the work, or any other unknown variables. Any references or examples used on any page you see represented here, or by text testimonial or video are used strictly for example and educational purposes only. This is not a business opportunity. Your personal results will vary and depend on many factors, including but not limited to your personal background, your experience and your own work ethic. All business entails risk and massive consistent effort and guided action. By purchasing, you are agreeing to these variables.
Brand New training REVEALED:

Introducing...a refreshing ALL NEW Video Course called 
Just Youtube It!

You will also get A BONUS COURSE I launched a while back that is how I made my first $13 affiliate commission without showing my face!

What You Will Get: 

(1) Watch over my shoulder Video Course

(2) Two Canva Template Videos already-done-you

(3) A Course I launched a while back that teaches how to do piggy back on products about to launch

(4) Plus, you'll discover 5 Case Studies of ordinary people who are making $1500+ a month just from posting videos on Youtube from ads inside of Youtube. (One guy just sits in his truck and talks no kidding!)

Done-For-You Canva Video #1 (you can edit this and make 10 or more new videos!)


Done-For-You Canva Video #2 (you can edit this and make 10 or more new videos!)

Note: Since this is a digital course, you understand that no refunds are offered.

You will also get A BONUS COURSE I launched a while back that is how I made my first $13 affiliate commission without showing my face!

New! Just Added - how some people are having success with a software + Clickbank instant downloads marketplace.

PLUS, you will see where I started as a new clueless person online with a website membership that provides you a built-in email list (paid).

 This JUST YOUTUBE IT Video Course has a coupon - JUSTYOUTUBEIT
for $10 Off

So hurry...
The price is subject to double.

Introductory Offer: 

Be sure to use the Coupon Code JUSTYOUTUBEIT to get $10 Off until the coupon expires!

subject to rise soon!


Plus, you'll discover 5 Case Studies of ordinary people who are making $1500+ a month just from posting videos on Youtube from ads inside of Youtube. (One guy just sits in his truck and talks no kidding!)

 (Results not guaranteed or typical, but very inspirational for us all!)

You can go from 

NO Youtube Channel to

"I'm a Youtuber now"

 in one day.

Just Youtube It.

Without showing your face.
Without talking.
Without having to create the videos yourself from scratch.

If you've wondered how to LEVERAGE the power of the internet to start your online business with money links to your products or someone else's products. 

THIS IS IT! (and this time it is NOT Pinterest, although I still love that too).

Plus, you'll discover 5 Case Studies of ordinary people who are making 1500+ a month just from posting videos on Youtube from ads inside of Youtube. (One guy just sits in his truck and talks no kidding!)

 (Results not guaranteed or typical, but very inspirational for us all!)


These were some of the first sales I EVER made online and it all started with YOUTUBE...

You'll also see a mini-course on how I made my very first sale online when I was BRAND NEW online. This still works today.

Let's Take A Quick Look Inside:

Note: This information is not endorsed or affiliated BY YOUTUBE in any way. This is my own personal knowledge of what is working now for me.

 Get the the Video Course + The Bonuses
Be sure to use the coupon code JUSTYOUTUBEIT to get $10 off until the coupon expires!

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