Brand New OPPORTUNITY REVEALED for 2023-2024

Let's go a step further...

How about another way to get your Digital Downloadable Ebooks/Printables/Planners in front of thousands of people?

Shop Option #2 that is sweeping social media right now like CRAZY!

Here's a look inside:

Okay, so tell again what this is all about.

There's a NEW Shop (called Stan (short for Stanley).  I don't know why they called it Stan, instead of George, Bill, or Harry LOL), but it's called a Stan Store.

Okay, so what does that have to do with me? Hurry up, I've got to go warm up my coffee and read the rest of my email...

It's FAST (and people love FAST).

It's EASY (and people love EASY) to check out so it makes it tons easier for people to BUY your digital download.

It's SHORT and to the point. People don't want fluff. 
They don't want someone saying, buy, buy, instead they now look to see if you are "up to date" and "trendy" and have a "Stan Store."

Yeah, whatever you call it?

I love it!

You can make tons more sales with


As in, make it simple from someone to buy that shiny new digital downloadable ebook that you've been thinking about and worked so hard on to bring it to life!

Let's do this.

Hit the Add To Cart button.

Read the PDF that you can turn around and resell for 100% profit because the PDF you get, you have the rights to

Or, you can just use it for yourself.

It's up to you.


Let's do this!

My Stan Storefront  looks like this:

Brought to you by: Kristie Chiles - 
lover of  #Jesus #family #stanstore #instagram #digital marketing #etsy #pinterest #pins #affiliatemarketing

Simple digital downloadable products have netted me $41.00 on this simple website.

and I just got started!!!

How about a let's cut to the chase Printable PDF (with PLR Rights) that shows you how to set this up within 15-30 minutes and then show people
your NEW

Ebooks, Checklists, Printables/Planners for Sale!

Hint: Without showing your face on social media or doing a trending dance with your husband or son cringing in the background lol! (although I love watching those too hahahaha!)

I just opened my Store recently to share on Social Media and here's what has come in so far...and I'm just getting started!

What You Will Get:

You will get this Canva Template Printable PDF Ebook with PLR
Rights To Have Something to sell immediately after you set up your shop!

edit or use AS IS...totally your choice!


yes! I want to make this super-duper easy for you!

You can literally READ the PDF to help you see screenshots on how to set this up

and then TURN AROUND and sell it on your own shop! Name your price, and set up shop!

Oh, just keep it for yourself!

Up to you!

Just think, you'll know How to set up a quick store that is POPULAR and TRENDING on social media so you LOOK trendy and popular LOL.

And, you'll have something to list on your Store as your FIRST ITEM!


let's go, girls!
let's go, guys!


Turn around and sell this one too!
What? Yep!

You get 2 Products you can turn around and sell like you cooked them up yourself LOL!

Introductory Offer: 
 $97, $87, $77, $67, $57, $47
$37 but the Price Rises With Each Sale! 


So, let's recap

What You Will Get Inside Your Printable PDF Guide 
(50 Pages)

#1 - An Ebook already done-for-you that you can turn around and sell and keep 100% of the profits! (in Canva so you can change it if you like, but don't have to)

#3 - Plus, a second Ebook called 100 Instagram Hook Ideas to create your sales videos around, already done-for-you that you can turn around and sell and keep 100% of the profits! (in Canva so you can change it if you like, but don't have to)

#4 - Discover where you can buy products already done-for-you so you could stock your new store this weekend to look like you've been in business since New Year's LOL.

At an Introductory Price!

But Hurry, this price is subject to DOUBLE!

Introductory Offer: 

Almost Complete...

Note: Since these are instant digital downloads, there are no refunds, but these are yours to keep forever.

Before I began online, I was teaching first grade students in Georgia, then college kids, and I loved it. But, when I discovered that I could teach (share) the tips I've learned since 2011 about how I made my first sales, I decided to do that!  All glory to God for all these blessings!  Have fun! 


Former First Grade Teacher, Then College Professor turned Online Educator
B.S.E.E. Early Childhood Education
Master of Liberal Studies 
Kristie Chiles Arp

What if you had your very first store that is social media-friendly where people could see your links CLEAR as day and be more apt to buy from you on impulse?

Yes? Yes...because we all have a life and it will be Christmas before we know it and we will wake up in the morning and groggily shuffle to the kitchen and wonder why we didn't start this the first time we saw it?

YES! You can do this! It is just like filling out a form!
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