What if? You Could Tap Into A Marketplace That Boasts 2.91 billion monthly users? That is actually around 35% of the entire world’s population!

 And these are people who LOVE to buy things...as in YOUR things that you have for sale.


It really is a simple formula:

Find an Item people are looking for 
+ where they hang out = Sales

Brought to you by:  Tammy McBryant, Expert FB Marketplace Seller & Lover of Sammy, 
her favorite Yorkie.

Below are some of the actual items I sold with the actual prices listed.

WAIT! You don't want to learn some fancy shop or e-commerce website to sell stuff?

Heck, NO!

You just want the a simple PLAN to print out and go by each time until you "get the hang of it?"

Then, THIS is PERFECT for you! 

So, here's your Easy-Peazy Plan of Attack:

1 - Snap a picture of your item
2 - List Your Items To Sell
3 - NEW Biz Plan for you: 30 Items a Month Before 🎄Christmas!

Be READY when 🎄the buying FRENZY of Christmas rolls around with YOUR Facebook Marketplace Seller's Page FULL of items people are already buying...that gets your visitors crying...I Want That!!! and that....and that...

This is for you if...
You need a basic how-to get-started PDF Guide on how to make your first Facebook Marketplace listing as a BEGINNER.
Here are the some of the items that sold well for me up to $868 in one of my best months:

Quickly! Download your own How To Sell On FB Marketplace Printable PDF 
Note: the price rises with each sale!

What You Will Get:

(1) A Printable PDF that shows you the exact products I sold which is my own personal Case Study that has made me as much as $868 in one month!

(2) Dos and Don'ts Section In The PDF To Help You;

(3) A Pretty To-Do Printable Checklist so you can list and check 
done and done!

*Note: Price Rises With Each Sale, So Get Your Copy Now!

Brand New training revealed:
Tired of struggling to figure out how to sell something online?

What if you could take something in your house that you don't really NEED or use anymore, snap a couple of pictures and have someone private message you,

I want this!

Or, if you're like me you love thrift shops and yard sales, and you spot a bargain and think...Hmmm..I bet I could resell THAT for some bucks!

Tired of worrying about how to use Facebook Marketplace to make it WORK for you?

Tired of pulling out your last nerve trying to figure out WHAT stuff actually sells on

Well, this is the answer!

Yes, Please!

I would LOVE to know how to snap a photo from my cell phone and sell it to someone that lives nearby
because I'm smart that way!! 

What You Will Get:

(1) A Printable PDF that shows you the exact  products I sold which is  my own personal Case Study that has made me as much as $868 in one month!

(2) Dos and Don'ts Section In The PDF To Help You;

(3) A Pretty To-Do Printable Checklist so you can list and check it
done and done!

This is for you if...
You need a basic how-to get-started PDF Guide on how to make your first Facebook Marketplace listing as a BEGINNER.

You'll Get 

What You Will Get:

(1) A Printable PDF that shows you the exact  products I sold from my own personal Case Study that has made me as much as $868 in one month!

(2) Dos and Don'ts Section In The PDF To Help You;

(3) A Pretty To-Do Printable Checklist so you can list and check 
done and done!

Note: Price increases with each sale, so go ahead and get yours now!

That's $40 OFF! So hurry..as the price rises with each sale!
Plus...you'll also get A FREE TO-DO PRINTABLE to keep track of your FB Marketplace Listings & Potential Sales! Your Gift With Purchase!

Here's Your To-Dos Printable that you can print out as many times as you like!

➡ Look, I'm BUSY living life...and I know this would be GREAT way to earn potential income. I don't really have to even think about it!  Let's see now.  Take a pic and list. Take a pic and list. . 

Yep! I can do THAT! Yes, I would love to have a Quick Guide to save me hours of time by someone who is already doing this successfully! I'm IN! 

Note: Price increases with each sale, so go ahead and get yours now!

What You Will Get:

(1) A Printable PDF that shows you the exact products I sold which is my own personal Case Study that has made me as much as $868 in one month!

(2) Dos and Don'ts Section In The PDF To Help You;

(3) A Pretty To-Do Printable Checklist so you can list and check 
done and done!

*Note: Price Rises With Each Sale, So Get Your Copy Now!


Qs? Email Tammy McBryant <tmcbryant@bellsouth.net>

Disclosure: This Printable PDF is not endorsed, or affiliated with Facebook in any way. Also, you must realize that meeting people to exchange cash for sales must be done with your safety as the utmost priority at all times. By purchasing this PDF, you understand that you are solely responsible for your own actions, and agree that we are not liable for any actions as the Seller, or any actions undertaken by the Buyer.

This site is not endorsed by Facebook or affiliated with Facebook in any way. All trademarks, logo and branding are the sole property of their respective owners.

Income Disclaimer: This website and the pdf you are purchasing contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own personal results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Tammy McBryant and Kristie Arp make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money at all, as there are many factors and variables beyond our control which may impact any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your or my control. As with any business endeavor, by purchasing this product, you inherently assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer: By reading this website as well as the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you are solely responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, irregardless of your interpretation of the advice given in this PDF. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business ventures as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business transactions and interactions on Facebook Marketplace, if you intend to apply any of our information in the FB PDF in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that Tammy McBryant nor Kristie Arp make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you alone are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only".  It is your sole responsibility to always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions.

Refund Policy: Since this is a digital download and cannot be retrieved, no refunds are offered as agreed upon your checkout.

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential result. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success always depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation, and other variables out of our control. As a purchaser of this product, you are agreeing that with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is absolutely no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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