What if? You could save hours of your time by knowing WHICH niches were already chock full of BEST SELLERS in the TEACHER NICHE? 

Instead of spending hours and hours sweating and researching, you could simply take your graphic, make a t-shirt, take your graphic, make a coffee mug, take your graphic, make a tote bag! 

And you wouldn't have to worry that this niche doesn't have buyers (because if you do what I show you in the PDF, you'll know instantly that it DOES!)

say whaattt???




Private Sale: Price subject to double.

Brought to you by: Kristie Chiles - 
lover of #eprintondemand
WAIT! You don't want to wait months or even years to get your first 30 40 Listings up on Etsy for potential sales?

 (UGH, me either!!!), You DON'T want to try to figure out another minute what people are loving and buying from other Etsy'ers?

You don't want to research BEST SELLERS inside of Etsy and go down a bazillion rabbit holes winding up 4 hours later with nothing but an empty coffee cup, and a kiss and a promise to yourself, that "I'll do better next time finding some cool t-shirt, mug, tote bag ideas."

You don't want to wait months or even years to get enough views to make potential sales while other Etsy Shops are BUSTING wide open with "Best Sellers"?

Heck, NO!

You just want a quick list of  10, 25 30 40+ topics (sub-niches) of people who happily pay you for their "new favorite shirt" and who can't freakin' wait for it come 
in the mail!!!

Then, THIS is PERFECT for you! 

So, here's your Easy-Peazy Plan of Attack:

1 - Download the Printable PDF
2 - Follow the simple instructions
3 - Go list your first AMAZING BEST SELLING TEACHER NICHE t-shirts, mugs and tote bags and plaster your Shop Items all over Etsy!

Be READY when your potential Etsy customers visit YOUR Shop this next Christmas, this next New Years and EVERY holiday after that too!  Have them excited to buy their "new favorite shirt, mug or tote bag" from YOUR shop!

Having these 40 DFY Best Selling Niches PDF with the EXACT 2 Tools I use, can make opening (or listing more on your Etsy Shop) faster, while moving forward with confidence, instead of worrying and wondering if you're promoting the right ding-dong thing.

You have a life after all, and you just want to give a person what they are looking for, while paying your bills with your ETSY sales from your hard work, right? Right!

I hear you...this is exactly what I do every day.  Now, it's your turn!

Download the 40 Amazing BEST SELLING TEACHER Print on Demand Niches, and let's get this Etsy listing party started!

After all, the NEXT buying frenzy is just around the corner, and you? You want to be READY!

You want to be able to put your feet up in your recliner with your iced latte, and list to your heart's content, knowing WITH CONFIDENCE that people are looking to BUY what you are throwing down in ETSY!

Oh, and while we are on the subject of Etsy, a quick search online reveals that Etsy is GROWING by leaps and bounds. Plus, you (as an Etsy Seller), get the advantage of putting ALL of your items in front of this HUGE marketplace where it is estimated that approximately 20 MILLION people shop each month! Plus, Etsy is running ads online and on TV, too! Oh yeah, oh yeah...it's your birthday, it's your birthday!

So, you let ETSY do the heavy lifting, while you prop up your feet, grab your coffee, and list to your heart's content!

Uh, okay, Kristie, but WHAT do I list first???

That, my friend, is exactly what this PDF is all about...done-for-you research that will jump-start your Etsy Shop tonight!

This is what I'm doing daily...I'm "planting my Etsy seeds" for the HUGE 4th quarter where some shops make MORE during this time of the year, than ANY other time of the year!" That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm going for THIS year! That's my personal goal! 

What about you? Want to join me on this journey? Like to challenge yourself to put up 40 NEW Shop Items before Christmas 2021? Ready? Let's go!
Here is what ERank.com says about my Etsy Shop:

"Did you know that you have sold more items that 85% of other shops on Etsy? Keep up the good work!"
Now, you are about to begin on the same journey I did back in 2013. I am so thankful I did

My biggest mistake in the beginning?  Playing too small.

 But now you can learn from my road of sweat and tears, and  maximize your efforts by listing as MANY T-shirts, Mugs & Totes as you can crank out before the next buying FRENZY hits!! 

 #truth - You only really need at least one good HOT SELLING NICHE  (topic) to get you started (and you'll get (10, 25, 40+ in the ALWAYS POPULAR YEAR AROUND)!!!

$67, $57, $47, $37, $27

$50 OFF
ONLY $17

So, let's recap...




Brand New training REVEALED:
Tired of struggling, drinking WAY too much coffee, and wasting months to get your Etsy listings up so you can be ready for the next BUYING FRENZY?

The good news? You don't have to!

ALL of the hard work has already been done for you (whew! just finished actually), and put ALL of the BEST SELLERS that don't have a LOAD of competition, but are hopping with sales, into a cute little PDF with 40 Amazing Best Selling TEACHER Niches on Etsy, so-you-don't-have-to-find-them PDF!

Here it is!
Tired of opening up your Etsy app, and getting totally lost?

4 Hours later, you hit EXIT and wonder what you accomplished, any 'ol way? 

Hmmm (big sigh!) ..I'll just do it later, I'm frustrated. I'll just watch a movie.

And...another buying season bites the dust.

But, you don't have to give up in complete and utter despair.

Tired of waiting months to get VIEWS and ETSY SALES because you listed something NO ONE EVER FOUND, or you waited TOO LATE?

This year? You don't have to!

This is your answer...

#relief - I want to be able to sit down and 15 minutes later fill my ETSY Shop  (withOUT) ever having to actually MAKE the thing, or MAIL the thing! 

....because I'm smart that way!! 

Awesome sauce, my friend! You just found the wonderful world of 

What does that mean, exactly?

You make a mock-up of what you WILL sell, and when it DOES, the company prints it, boxes it, and ships it.


You sit back and wait a couple of days for Etsy to send you the MOOLAH!

Here's a "fresh" listing on my Etsy store...cute huh? 

I think the "science geeks" will 
LOVE it! 

Introducing...a refreshing Printable PDF list of 25
40 AMAZING Hot Selling Niches In The TEACHER NICHE
in Etsy. All handed to you on a silver PDF platter.

Introductory Offer: 
 $67, $57, $47
Only $37

FOR $50 off = $17

Plus, you'll also get

What You Will Get: 


Note: Since these are instant digital downloads, there are no refunds, but these are yours to keep forever.


Introductory Offer: 
 $67, $57, $47
$37, $27
ONLY $17

Here's another fun t-shirt I popped into my shop this week:

This 40 Amazing Best Selling Print On Demand TEACHER Niches PDF is $50 OFF! So hurry..before the timer runs out on this Coupon.
Then, the price is subject to double.

Go ahead and click on the button below, and start listing. Because it's about to be the
"most wonderful time of the year!"

Just so you know, this list is EVERGREEN...meaning people buy from these niches (topics) all year long..

And...just in case you're wondering and all that...these niches can NEVER be saturated because there are thousands of variations!!!

Hit the button below, and let's GO!

I think you'll simply LOVE these!


This price rises with every sale...so hurry and grab yours at the lowest price!

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